Flying back to Sweden. In two weeks!!

The clock is ticking and there are a few more things I want to get done before I leave. As you know we got hold of two houses that we should be able to rent and yield a 20% return on. They are located along the main road in a cute village on the Gulf of Mexico. That village has the potential to be really great if we buy up more of the eye catching houses and make them nicer. Right now there are three more houses in the pipeline and I would really like to close on them before I leave. The reason for the rush is that there are rumors of these houses being prepared for section 8. Section 8 means government housing and a bunch of drug addicts coming to our village. A disaster if we want to make it less hillbilly and more artsy.


ps. a friend let me drive around in his Corvette the other day, so brought the GoPro and took a trip out to see the houses. Video should be up within the next few days. Sign up for my Newsletter below if you want a reminder.



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