Have a look at my Instagram!

I like Instagram so I tend to post more stuff there than in any other forum. If you aren't already, I would be honored if you wanted to follow me…

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A magnificent Swedish Sunset :)

It was! Truly amazing. Best Swedish Sunset ever :) I know photos never make it look as cool as it actually was. Especially not with such an amateur behind the…

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Are you using Instagram?

Using Instagram I have an account and I try to use it somewhat regularly. I suppose I should upload something every day, but I haven't really done that so far....…

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Real Estate inspired video – Canon d7, Tokina11-16

I made a Real Estate Inspired Video while testing my new Tokina lens.

The equipment is getting better and better. Sadly, my filming and editing skills aren’t quite keeping up. But I still love trying to be creative, even though I’m not as gifted as I want to be. Still. Room for improvement makes for nice challenges :)

Watch more videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel here!

The video above was shot in Port Richey, Florida. It’s a pretty run down area with lot’s of abandoned properties and foreclosures. The big recession in 2008 hit really hard all over Florida and it becomes very apparent in some areas, like this one.

Still. A mess like this creates room for new opportunities. Hence my real estate inspired video with some stories on how profits can be found everywhere. Even in places like this.

What is most striking to me is the massive amounts of abandoned commercial properties. (more…)

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The big rig..

I just noticed something as I started working on this years "best of" video. I barely used my big camera at all. And that's not good. I think most of…

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