Here is what’s up.

For me, energy comes and goes. It always has. I have periods where I wake up at 5 a.m. for weeks, go for a 5 km walk every morning, bang out a ton of work while having breakfast, get lot’s of stuff done in general, find time for exercise and even manages some more play and social activities.

Then there are periods when it’s not like that. These are the times that craves some more self discipline. I have noticed I can still be productive and get a lot done if I just stick to what’s important. In pursuit of well being and productivity I have started demanding certain tasks of myself. By completing some or most of them every day I manage to keep on pushing my career, my well being and my life in a direction I feel good about.

As for now, I’m semi energetic. My tasks for a day right now looks like this:
1. 10 000 steps. Every day!
2. Eat well and do some kind of exercise. Doesn’t need to be much, but something. Run a mile, five minutes of push ups or whatever.
3. Minimum of two hours on the computer to take care of business.
4. Read at least 1 page of something motivating.
5. Make a business call or visit. (look at a house, call a realtor or client etc. etc.).

All in all it’s only a few hours if I hit it hard. Sticking to routines like this feels good and it helps me to keep progressing and pushing me towards my ideal lifestyle.




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