Perfecting your days.

It’s a pretty tough period in Sweden right now. Sun goes up at 8 am making the sky a bit brighter grey than it would have been at night. It then goes back down at 3 pm leaving you with 17 hours of darkness. In order to stay healthy and happy you need lot’s of self discipline. I have found this recipe for getting by.

Nr 1. Stay healthy and active. Spend at least 1 hour outdoors each day no matter what the weather. Then try to spend another hour exercising. Tennis, gym, go swimming or whatever you fancy. Also make sure to eat well and get all vitamins, proteins and stuff your body needs.

Nr 2. Try to spend limited time on computers, in front of the tv etc. I usually keep it down to a maximum of three hours.

Nr 3. Always make sure to spend some time socializing. See some friends, play with your dog or call someone and talk for a while.

Nr 4. Book a ticket to somewhere nice so you have something to look forward to. Me I’m going to California in January.

Nr 5. When feeling down, take a warm bath and consume a few big glasses of red wine.

For me. Living here like this is not an option. I will spend winters and probably more that so in California. But. Now that I am here and have work that I need to get done to advance in my career, I find these tricks very beneficial when it comes to my well-being. I also think they make for a good lifestyle that will yield even greater well-being when in a climate more appropriate for human beings.


